Friday, June 19, 2009

It's only 10:00am?

The one thing about 1) having earlier risers 2) nanny kids arriving at 6:45am and 3) toddlers having very short attention spans is that I look at the clock and think, "It's only 10:00am?" Here are just a FEW of the things we did before 10:00am.

Played catch using scarves and balloons (not pictured: wore the scarf as a mask and as a cast)...

Practiced acrobatics...
Admired deliciously adorable little toes tightly gripping the toy...

While the scarves and balloons entertained the toddlers, the baby entertained (tackled, bit, yanked, mauled) the baby...

Tried Briar Claire barrettes in Eisley's hair...

Tried Briar Claire barrettes in the hair of children who actually have hair in which to try the barrettes... (sorry Emmett)

Played all kinds of games with bowls and animal crackers (find the cracker using differently colored bowls, find the cracker using the same colored bowls, find matching crackers using duplicate crackers and made animal noises with the crackers)...

Made those folding fortune teller things, but I made it into a puppet instead. The puppet ate crackers and the kids cracked up. I attempted to make and educational version with various colors and numbers, but that didn't work...

Also not pictured, painted with Dauber dot things - very fun!

And although this picture is not of an adorable child, it is merely symbolic of the outdoor play (photographing for craigslist sale) time that we experienced...

...all before 10:00am

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