Sunday, August 9, 2009

Antique Eisley

Instead of napping today while her brother napped, instead, Eisley wanted to do a little photoshoot. So of course, I obliged. Here's to a little girl on her last day of being 8 months old...
She's full of spunk...
she love to bounce on her knees...
she's started squealing when a toy is taken away from her...
she screeches out of excitement...
she puts everything in her mouth...
she rips paper into tiny shreds like our dog used to do...
she pulls herself up on everything and stands unsupported for a couple seconds...
she adores her big brother and stops crying when he sing "Jesus Loves Me," ...
she doesn't need much sleep and stays surprisingly happy...
the only way she's happy in the church nursery is if we first give her to Eric's co-worker Becky who then takes her into the nursery after a bit of special time with Becky...
she chews on my necklace...
she'll stare at you until you look at her and then break into a big huge smile...
she gives slobbery open mouthed kisses...
she has a famous look of disgust that would beat out any preteen...
she helps unload the dryer...
she chews on her hair bows...
she is an amazing gift from God...
she's picture perfect.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness! Those pics are too cute for words and melted my heart. You for sure have to frame all of them and make a little collage. She's BEAUTIFUL!!!!