Saturday, August 15, 2009

Emmett loves Garage Sales

Have I mentioned that Emmett loves garage sales. Whenever we're in the car leaving church or leaving Target he'll say, "Mommy, I don't want to go home. I want to go somewhere." "Where do you want to go honey." "I want to go to a garage sale." "Ok sweetie, we'll look for one on our way home." So, today we did. We spent $2.25 and got 2 books and a movie for Emmett. And a book for me. The only hard part is tearing him away. Both tearing him away from the garage sale, but also tearing him away from the toys that are laying around... not for sale! It's pure torture. We went to one sale that had ride on toys strewn all around their front yard. Emmett wanted to ride the red tractor SO badly. "Sorry, sweetie, that's not for sale. That's not ours. We can't ride on it." Doesn't go over very well with a 2 year old. He does a pretty good job and I get an opportunity to exercise my patience and calm speaking.

Have I mentioned that Eisley crawls both up and DOWN the stairs now! She finally learned how to lower herself backwards down the stairs and I'm thrilled. This is kinda old news, she learned sometime last week, I just forgot to blog about it. She also lowers herself off the couch. The accomplishment of this skill makes my life so much easier. I love it! I still get a little nervous, but I can handle a little nervous.

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