Monday, November 2, 2009

Loop hole

My 2 (almost 3) year old has found the loop hole to "one more story." Tonight I told him I'd read him "one more story." He very carefully studied his basket of books. He picked one (very short) book out looked at it, put it back. Scanned the books again and decisively grabbed for the 150 page book all about children's costumes (it's in there because there are really great pictures and thicker pages, he loves flipping through it). As he handed me the book a small smirk appeared on his face and he attentively watched to see what I'd do. I told him, "Sweetie, this book is too long. Please pick a different one." He burst out laughing. Silly boy.


katie said...

lol I think that is too funny! My 3 year old hasnt thought of that yet. He's one smart little boy!

Marie said...

So funny. Emmett has always been a smart little boy. I love that he laughed - too precious!