Sunday, October 4, 2009


Eisley has one more week of being 10 months old. As a beautiful 10 month old little girl, she officially...

... can pick her nose.

... babbles up a storm.

... can walk. Not exclusively, but regularly will stand up and take up to 10 steps or so, even with out being prompted.

... loves wrestling her brother.

... has 6 teeth.

... loves waving.

... points to things.

... is a super star eater.

... is able to go from sitting to standing with out any help (something Emmett learned to do after he learned to walk).

... is able to throw a tantrum with the best of them.

... is still biting.

... climbs up the stairs and slides back down then at breakneck speeds (has been doing this for a couple months).

... does great in the nursery at church with only a few tears shed at the beginning just so we know how much she loves us.

... still wakes up once a night to eat and I haven't done anything to stop it. Honestly, I kinda enjoy this time with her. We'll see how long that lasts!

... looks like her mama. My grandma gave me a pendant that has my baby picture in it. I showed it to Eric last night and said, "Isn't she cute?" His response, "How could I think she's not cute. She looks just like my daughter."

1 comment:

Amber said...

She is getting SO big... and the last one about what Eric said is precious! I CAN'T WAIT to see you guys! 23 days and counting!