Friday, September 18, 2009

I get to hold them in my arms

Today we spent a lovely morning at my neighbor and friend's house, eating cookies, muffins and donuts! Then we celebrated Eric's birthday (next Tuesday) and Eric's dad's birthday (yesterday) with Eric's parents eating DELICIOUS homemade Indian food.
Needless to say, alot has changed in the past year... this photo was taken a year ago today. I am now holding that precious little girl in my arms. The privilege I have to be her mother and to be able to snuggle her and love her and encourage her and discipline her and love her even more, is a gift I hope I never take for granted.

The same goes for this amazing little boy - again the picture was taken a year ago (yesterday).

Time will only tell what life will look like on 9.18.10 (that date looks weird, doesn't it?)!

Thank you God that I am holding my two babies in my arms. For some reason tonight I am grieving for those who are not. And I am grieving for my one little baby who I will meet in heaven.

1 comment:

Christ follower said...

It is so strange to look at those pictures and remember it was such a short time ago Emmett was so little and we didn't even know sweet little Eisley. I looked at Emmett last night and easily remembered Eric at that age and now he is almost 30! It is a reminder to me to treasure each day, make time to be with family and celebrate even the smallest of occasions.