Friday, July 31, 2009


Here is a summary of my day:

My two kids
two nanny kids
two of my friends kids
one amazingly creative and fun-loving husband
two generous grandparents

= lunch complete with nose picking

= a little butt pinching

= match box car races

= match box car demolition derby

= playing on an antique swing set at Nana and Grandpa's

= drinking Trinidadian juices from unmarked bottles

= digging in the sand

= constructing with construction leftovers

= showing off in front of your friends

= Big Mac in his niche

= so much more fun than could even be captured in these photographs.

Did I mention I was exhausted?

Thanks mostly to my husband, the kids had a blast though! I'd do it again in a second. The truth is, I've had playdates with 2 kids that were a thousand times more stressful than our home was with these 6 kids.


Jess :) said...

So cute!! You even got Nuggey on his birthday! How fun :)

I love the picture you took of him on the swing set!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I just realized I never got you e-mailed back. has been crazy busy...just like I know it has been for you, as well!

Therefore, this should link you back to my blog :)

Christ follower said...

Alyssa, you are amazing! I am in awe not only of what you got done but also that you have time to document it on your blog! Love the pictures and hope you and Amber will help me pick out the cutest ones to get on my walls.