Monday, April 12, 2010

Pig tails

Eisley's hair is finally long enough for pig tails! Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen??

And I just have to add a few of Eisley's latest phrases:
"Hold hand"
"Wash hand"
"Watch" - she says this CONSTANTLY and then she'll do something, often not very impressive, but she still waits for the affirmation :)
"Look at MEEEEE"


Buck said...

Oh my goodness her hair is so long!! I guess I haven't seen you guys in a while! I always look to see if I spot your van at your parents' house when I drive by. :)

Kristi said...

So cute!!!!

Randi said...

Eisley! I love it. SO adorable! Isn't it fun to play with her hair?!

Selah is now getting to the phase where she likes to pull out her pigtails as soon as I put them in. :( I hope she gets over that soon.

Amber said...

She was made for piggy tails! SOOOOO stinkin cute!!!