Thursday, August 4, 2011

Peppermint Twist

The Peppermint Twist.
Such a fun, picturesque drive in burger and shake joint. They have a huge fenced in play area too. It's a great place to spend a playful afternoon with friends.

Not sure why he's complaining!


Christ follower said...

I remember going to Peppermint Twist!

JFK said...

Early this morning, Eisley and Emmett got out their bikes to ride around our neighborhood. I asked Eisley to put on her helmet. Asked again. Tried to help her. No. Didn't work.

Emmett walked over to Eisley and said,
"Eisley, would you like to walk or ride your bike with your helmet on?"
She immediately put on her helmet, and the bike ride began. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

I came on your site by searching for what to do for new years eve (2012).. google works in strange ways.. i started reading your blog and it seems you are doing a great job-wish you all the happiness in the world
Love from Luxembourg