Wednesday, November 24, 2010


My first born turned 4 today.
He has been SO excited to be 4 he could hardly believe that this was the actual day. He asked Eric to confirm it, then he came to me in disbelief. It wasn't until Nana confirmed that, indeed, today is the day that he turns 4, that he was satisfied.
We spent the day at the cabin, played with my cousins Emily and Lydia, went to the movie Tangled (loved it!) and exited the theater to a beautiful layer of huge snow flakes. I didn't realize how much fun we had (ie cake, popcorn, soda pop, candy...) until Emmett woke up in the middle of the night and vomited. Poor little guy.
I tend to remember things through rose colored glasses and have to go to my mom or Eric to get the "reality", but for now, I will say that I think Emmett being 3 has been one of my favorite ages. Of course, I've said every age is my favorite. This boy says "thank you" numerous times a day, including when I've made him lunch. He is normally gentle and loving to his little sister. He is chivalrous to our nanny girl.
Emmett can write all of his upper case letters, many of his lower case letters and knows all his letter sounds. This past year he gave up his "dahtdoos" (pacifiers). This past year he asked Jesus to be his forever friend, but is still hesitant to pray aloud.
When I was pregnant with him the word, "joy" was placed on my heart. And all you have to do is take one look at this boy's smile to see that "joy" exudes from him (strangers even comment on the radiance of his smile), "joy" describes him perfectly, and he brings me joy daily. I am so thankful for my first born.
Some of his favorite family gifts included his razor scooter, his super hero dress up clothes, his pirate dress up clothes (from Auntie Amber and family), his keyboard (from Nana and Grandpa), his soccer ball and goal (from Nana and Grandpa), and his Wii Party game (from Grandma and Papa).
Emmett, I love you!


Buck said...

Oh my goodness, that last picture of you two is so gorgeous it made me teary. I hope you frame it!

Amber said...

What a cute post! I love all the pictures! He even looks older!